Top Ten Books That
Whose Titles Or Covers
Made Me Buy It
Topten tuesdays is hosted by The broke and the bookish
- The Mephisto Conevant by Trinity Faegen:I realized (as well as the rest of you), that 2011 was the year of pretty girls in pretty dresses. This one however really caught my eye and I still find myself swooning over it.
- A Need so Beautiful by Suzanne Young: I still don't know what the story is about for this one. The cover is just so dreamy and angelic. I litterally feel like I am looking at an angel. And also, the word "beautiful" is in the title... Subliminal maybe?
- The Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink: I LOVE both the cover and the title but the story dragged on and on. I am not saying it isn't a good book just a long one to get through. I still haven't finished it.
- Firelight by Sophie Jordan: She is just so darned pretty isn't she? With the shiny scales and fire red hair she looks like a superhero! The font of the title was also a big seller for me!
- Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel: The tear, the looking up into the heavens, the "infinite". Why wouldn't I buy it?
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: when the book first came out in 2005 I didn't know of it. Then 2006 rolled around, I was away at college, and I bought it simply because of the simplicity of the cover and intricacy of the font.
- Luminous by Dawn Metcalf: Now here is a perfect example of buying a book for it's cover. The idea of the book is creepy to say the least (skeleton and whatnot, brrr!) but... COME. ON. THAT. COVER. IS. A. WORK. OF. ART. (yes, all caps were necessary for me to convey this point)
- Glimmerglass by Jenna Black: That one SPARKLES! I love the color, the smoke, the mirrored face! And is sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to finish it. I will finish it I swear!
- Aurelia by Anne Osterlund. Pretty dress and the mask adds to the whole mystery!! I was shopping online, bought it and then read what it was about. YAY
- Timeless by Alexandra Monir: I love the Historical romantic look, the necklace, and she seems to be IN a galaxy. I guess... Is she between the time or is she dreaming?

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