In honor of my one year blogversary, I asked 2 of my closest twitter/book blogging friends if they'd like to write a guest post on a first year of blogging is like. Cathee from Forever Lost In Books is someone with whom I enjoy talking about anything related to books and she is as well a fellow Canadian Book Blogger!
Here is what she had to say on the subject:
Blogging, blogging, blogging.
Sometimes it can be homework, but other times you love it. And it was like that for me throughout my first year of blogging (well, technically, it will be my first year on June 19th... but... who cares? :D).
Sometimes, I loved blogging so much; I had ideas flowing and could write three to five posts a day, and other times I would have NO inspiration whatsoever for a whole week. And so, sometimes I had no idea what to post... and I post everyday on the blog (except for once a month :D But sometimes I have to much posts to go up so I can't take a day off :D). It'S good to take a day off and not have to worry about your blog. It helps me A LOT.
The first few months of my first blogging year didn't have many posts, I guess because I didn't read as much as I do now, even though I read quite a lot. And I didn't have the determination to post more. Until I saw this particular book blog. It pushed me to write more. And started loving it.
After a few months, I started being noticed a little. And then I made many blogging friends, and they are all so nice.
One thing that really helped me, and you have probably heard this a million times, newbies, but GET ON TWITTER! And, don't just post links to your blog, TALK to bloggers! We won't bite! And, on my first day on twitter, I @ some of my favorite authors telling them that I was new to Twitter and how I liked/loved their books. And guess what? Many of them replied to me saying welcome and thank you. I was SO happy! I mean, for me, authors were celebrities. And now, I'm a little friend with some authors. And it's royally awesome. Bloggers are just as awesome! Just reply to one of their tweets, and sometimes you can start talking for a long time with them, and become friends!
In the first months, you will probably seek ARCs from publishers. Don't. Wait a little! You probably won't get a reply, but don,t get sad over it! If you do the right things, someday you'll have the numbers they are looking for, AND THEN it will be the time. Trust me, you may say 'Oh, but I still have MANY followers! You know, 50 is a lot!'... but they normally look for 300 and more. Some publishers 500. Some even MORE. And, don't blog just for ARCs! Enjoy it!
Now, I'm starting to get all 'I am your mother and you will listen to me'... so I'll just stop.
But, blogging is great.
And don't let people intimidate you or plagiarize you either! If you get plagiarized, email an important blogger you trust, to try and get the word out!
Happy reading!
Thank you Cathee for stopping by!
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